A silversmith's diary

A silversmith's diary

jeudi 20 avril 2017

A medieval inspired wedding ring

I remember one summer when we were heading to the south of France for holidays. My dad had decided to make a break and visit an old fortified medieval castle. The tower, the drawbridge, the big stone blocks had really struck me. I was maybe 8 or 9 years old. I think this attraction I have towards the medieval period must have taken roots at this very moment.


I like to watch sculptures and admire the stone work. I like to see the detailed and refined illuminations as if the paper was embroidered with colors and golden details. It was a time when there were few tools and where you had to use your intelligence to get the best of them, in order to carve in hard surfaces and have such beautiful spirals.

This is for all these reasons that I chose to work with medieval inspiration in my creations. I hope to be able to add more items in our catalog with this style in the long run. I am happily surprised to see that my personal taste is shared by other persons who contact us in order to have the Sincere Commitment ring personalized with their initials. This ring gathers two engraved illuminated initials on the sterling silver band.


I also realized that people who would choose this ring did not want to have a traditional wedding ring. They did not want a diamond ring, or a ring without any meaning. They wanted this ring to show their character, their passion (maybe for the medieval spirit), the fact that they did not want to have a common ring. They wanted a jewel that would talk about a personal emotion.

When you decide to get married, it is so important to get a ring that will match with who you are. Maybe one day, your children will ask you when they will be old enough why you decided to get married with this special ring and not with a more traditional one. You will be able to tell them the story behind the ring.

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vendredi 25 novembre 2016

No stone wedding ring

Or better said how to marry with a symbol ring?

When we first decided to get married, I did not want a bling ring, nor did I want a simple ring. What I wanted the most was a ring that could remind me our story, the reason why we decided to spend the rest of our lives together.

A few years ago, we participated in an archeological excavation in an ancient grave, in the Mexican jungle. This was the moment that bonded our lives. We contracted a lethal virus (the 4 persons involved in the excavation) a few days later. Our blessing in this tragedy was that a specialized doctor in histoplasmosis was working at the state hospital of the region and that he diagnosed us with the first symptoms. I would not be here telling you this story if it was not for this doctor and believe me that every extra day in our lives is a beautiful day.

Histoplasmosis is the same virus that killed archeologists at the beginning of the 20th century in the tomb of Tutankhamen, or better known as the malediction of Tutankhamen. The virus we breathed was located in roots in the tomb that has been closed for more than 900 years in the jungle, in the south of Mexico. I wanted to remember this symbol on our rings.

I imagined and created my wedding ring with handmade sterling silver wires and balls reminding me of the rotten roots as well as the lethal micro spores we breathed without noticing them.  My husband (who is an archeologist) wanted to have a hint at Lord Carnarvon who unfortunately lost his life in 1923 after discovering the tomb of the famous Egyptian pharaoh. His ring represents the name of Tutankhamen in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

And you, what does your ring represent for you?

jeudi 17 novembre 2016

New Retail Store for Emmanuelle Guyon

We are happy to tell you that from now on, you will find a part of our earrings collection in the Tienda Q, M. Bravo 109, Colonia Centro, in Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico.